Batman vs. Superman Review

We, like many other comic book fans and moviegoers, were excited to see Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, and while we would not say that we were disappointed with the movie, we did feel that it could have been better. We, admittedly, went into the movie with low expectations which we think made the movie more enjoyable. The movie was entertaining but the setup for the fight seemed to drag on at times, especially with the nonsensical dream sequences. There was no need to show the Batman origin story again since it has been done so many times before. Our real reason for seeing the movie was to see Wonder Woman (and Gal Gadot did a great job of portraying her), our only complaint being that she should have been in it more. The other actors did a pretty good job as well; Jesse Eisenburg’s take on Lex Luthor gave him a more psychotic persona than the normal greedy and egotistical version, and Ben Affleck did a great job as Batman, although his Batman was more lethal and pessimistic than we prefer. The action sequences were good but were too flashy at times and Michael Bay-like. Overall, the movie was entertaining but you’d have to take it with a grain of salt to really enjoy it.