LWC Orchestra Happenings
During the past month, the Lincoln-Way Central Orchestra has received guidance from multiple college professors as well as a world-renowned conductor. The first person that came to listen to all four of the Lincoln-Way orchestras was Dr. Robert Hasty from Northwestern. Later that same week, students met with Maestro David Danzmayr of the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra, he came to work with the Central and West orchestras before their February 20th concert at the University of Illinois and Milliken University. After the performance, the students were able to have a clinic with Dr. Donald Schleicher before heading to Decatur to tour Milliken University. While at Milliken, the students had the opportunity to have a clinic with Dr. Michael Luxner before his retirement. With the help of all of these wonderful instructors and the help of Mrs. Stacy Williams-Jackson, both the Central and West orchestra were able to put on another fabulous performance involving the Manhattan, Martino, and Liberty orchestras on Tuesday, February 8th where each school performed individually and then together as one large orchestra for the final piece. This has been a great experience for the local orchestra kids all the way from 7th grade through senior year.