How to prepare for the ACT

If you’re a junior this year, you know by now that one of the most important parts of high school is taking the ACT. This is the test that can help determine what college you get into and is certainly going to help or hurt your future in one way or another.
Lincoln-Way Central offers ACT classes on Wednesdays before and after school.
For help with the English and reading sections, the Writing Center has one more available revision session on 2/23 for help with style. This session is offered from 7:45-8:15am.
If you want to take the extra step, a good idea would be to take the practice ACT being offered at Lincoln-Way Central on February 25. You can sign up for this test in PPS. By taking a practice test, you can receive an estimated score and see where your areas of needed improvement are.
Once you have an idea of which sections you need the most help with, you can ask teachers for tips or make sure you are attending the appropriate ACT classes every Wednesday morning in the little theatre. Lincoln-Way Central has many tools available to juniors looking for an advantage when it comes to the ACT. Yes, the test is stressful, but with preparation you will be able to walk into the ACT with confidence and walk out with a great score.