How to answer the challenge

During the first day of school assembly, Dr. Provis challenged the students of Lincoln-Way Central to be remembered. While it appeared to be a simple task, this objective is actually quite difficult. How can one student out of approximately 2,000 students stand out and make themselves unforgettable? After questioning a few students, I deciphered the three areas that a student can excel in to complete this challenge. The areas include extracurricular activities, the classroom, and/or with peers. A student MUST join a sport or club to get involved in the school. This not only allows a student to meet new people, but also if the student is an active member, then he/she may impact the club or sport with an idea, hard work, or positive attitude. During class, a student can excel and be an ideal student that every teacher will remember in a positive light. In peer groups, if a person has confidence and is nice to everyone they meet, then the class will recognize and remember the person as a friendly figure. So in conclusion, the key component to being remembered is to stand out and be the best you can be. May your high school career bring great memories and challenge yourself to be remembered.