Behind the scenes of LWC
The unsung heroes of our school are the ones we don’t pay much attention to and take for granted. Their jobs may seem little to us, but they hold a big responsibility. They work behind the scenes out of sight.
One person who works behind the scenes is the school’s Maintenance Supervisor, Mr. Huffstutler. He has held this position for a year now, and his favorite memory so far while working here has been the Special Olympics last year. The biggest problem maintenance has, according to Mr. Huffstutler, is the boiler system that controls the temperature of the school. As we all know the school experiences temperature extremes, with some rooms being below zero and other rooms having similar temperatures to a sauna. When the interview was over Mr. Huffstutler gave me wise words of advice. In a serious tone he told me: “stay in school.”
Another person I interviewed was Mrs. Sirgist, our laundry room lady. She does about 500 loads of our laundry a week. Imagine having to do that much laundry in a week! Without her, you would not have clean towels for gym, the day cares would not have clean sheets for nap time, and many other places in our school would be lacking clean laundry. Most kids in high school still have their mom doing their laundry. This year will be Mrs. Sirgist’s 31st year at Lincoln-way Central. She also directs where the mail goes. She occasionally delivers packages, although this is not part of her job requirement.
One of the nicest ladies you’ll ever meet is Mrs. Galvan. Mrs. Galvan works in the Main Office as Dr. Provis’s secretary. She worked at East for 14 years, then came to Central and has worked here for 8 years. The most demanding part of her job is finding substitute teachers when teachers have to leave with short notice during the day. The biggest weight on her shoulders is planning the graduation program – mistakes are not tolerated, and Mrs. Galvan make sure that there are no mistakes year after year. She says everything has to be perfect because it’s a big day.
Across the hall is Mrs. Dombrowski. Her job is to check everyone in when walking through the SSO office and handle discipline logistics like passes and scheduling. Her favorite part about the job is the kids, but the kids are also the hard part about her job. She looks forward to summer breaks because, as we all know, teenagers are difficult to handle sometimes.
There are more staff members that have a lot of responsibility that they take on every day. Even though our teachers run the classrooms, there are others who run the school.