Halloween is a holiday that brings communities and creativity together. It is overall something that connects people. Halloween Knight is an event that the LWC Student Council has been hosting for more than a decade for kids to dress up and trick-or-treat with family and friends.
Along with this being a fun opportunity for the kids, it is also fun as a student to be involved in it. Seeing all of the kids dressed up, being creative, and trick-or-treating brings back nostalgia of the Halloween traditions. To keep things festive, the students and teachers dressed up while handing out candy.
It is also an opportunity to help the community. Participants were asked to bring a canned food item upon entry to the event. The food collected was donated to the New Lenox food pantry. The Student Council was happy to contribute three flatbeds full of food for our community as a result of their efforts with this event!
Each of the clubs that participated in Halloween Knight individually decorated a table leading up to the fieldhouse. Then, they passed out candy to the trick or treaters. In the fieldhouse, there were many games set up for the kids. There was a face paint station, bounce houses, and many more fun activities.
Overall, Halloween Knight is a very fun and engaging event for students and kids to come together to celebrate Halloween. It is something that the entire community can enjoy and look forward to.