Women’s Empowerment Club

Members of the Women Empowerment Club: Catherine Prabish, Alyssa Maves, Ella Maldonado, Ally Rojas, and Emily Ihrke

Lincoln-Way Central is renowned for its many clubs, sports, and classes offered to all students. One of the newest clubs to “enter the club,” pun intended, is the WEC- women’s empowerment club. After only being apart of Central for less than a year, they have already made a lasting impression.

To be able to explain all that these amazing women and men have accomplished let’s go to when it all started. After interviewing the beloved Ms. Brady, we got our story: “Last year, the club leaders approached Mr. Hopper and I about starting a new club focused on women’s issues. We began meeting second semester and created a structure for a completely student run club with the goal of training the leaders of tomorrow and providing opportunities for young women to take the lead.” One of the leaders, Alyssa Maves then explains, “Women Empowerment Club was formed by the five of us (Alyssa Maves, Alessandra Rojas, Catherine Prabish, Ella Maldonado, and Emily Ihrke) our junior year. We were inspired to create the club to bring awareness to gender equality issues throughout the school.”

Now that we know how it started, let’s go to their accomplishments, “While our club has only been in existence for a year and a half, we have been able to hold important discussions in regarding things such as discrimination in the workplace, dress code, and pay gaps between men and women. We also held a donation drive this past December to collect items for women’s homeless shelters during the holiday season.” Not only have they helped with these issues in school, but they also reached out to the LWE Fempower Club just a few weeks ago.

All in all, WEC has held several teachers sit ins, joint meetings, and many guest speakers, to help with the many issues women face. A huge thanks to these amazing women and all of their efforts!