
Brett Smith feeling senioritis in AP Biology
As the year is slowly ending, it is that time of the year where seniors get a common illness as March hit: Senioritis. I went around asking multiple students their opinions on if they believe in senioritis, and if it is a common trend, or just certain students. I interviewed a wide variety of senior classes. Maddie Flinn stated, “I have gotten to that stage where I do not have much motivation at all.” Many seniors would agree with this statement. I conducted a survey to see how many students feel as though they are beginning to feel senioritis. The results were as follows…
Those that feel senioritis is real right now: 35 students
Those that do not feel senioritis: 10 students
As shown, it is noticeably clear much of the senior class is beginning to develop some form of senioritis whether it be zero motivation or just pure laziness. Senioritis has been a thing for many years. I asked senior Brett Smith how he feels, he states “I enjoy coming to school to interact with my teachers and peers, but when it comes to doing my homework, it is a struggle since we are in the home stretch of being done.” Many other students agree with this statement, it is not the fact of coming to school that seniors do not like, it is the lack of motivation to continue doing their schoolwork.
On the flip side, there were some students who do not feel senioritis but empathize with those who do. One senior stated, “I am not physically experiencing it, but a lot of my friends are, and I know it is a thing.” Even though not all seniors feel this, many are able to see where their fellow peers are coming from and know it does affect most of the senior class. I also asked former LWC alumn how they felt about senioritis and their advice to the current seniors is, “No matter how hard it gets to continue doing your schoolwork, just push through and finish it because these grades do still have meaning, and it is the last amount of work your teachers are going to see from you – and you do not want them to think you gave up or are lazy.”
So, although many students are beginning to feel a lack of motivation to finish their schoolwork the clock is ticking, and soon senior year will end. So, just keep pushing through and fight the urge to stop doing all schoolwork just because of the dreaded senioritis.