Celebrity Look-Alikes

Celebrities. Whether you follow in the abundance of Twitter feeds or actively try to avoid them, celebrities have become a part of our culture. So much so that there are even celebrities here in Lincoln- Way Central.  

…well, celebrities look-alikes anyways.  

 I had a fantastic opportunity of interviewing two of our excellent teachers in regards to what their celebrity look-alike was. These are their responses:  

 Q: Could you introduce yourself? 

A: I’m Mrs. Pehle – I teach AP Psychology and Psychology of the Mind. I’m the head Peer Helper sponsor. 

 Q: What’s your favorite photo of yourself?  

A: I don’t have a favorite photo of myself, but this is a picture of me when I’m happily doing yoga in nature, surrounded by mountains. 

Q: Do you have a favorite celebrity? Why are they your favorite? Does the actor look like you? 

A: A favorite celebrity is tricky – I think some fantastic people do extraordinary things. However, I’d have to say, Nick Offerman. I think he’s hilarious, a genuinely good human who likes nature, and I always tend to enjoy his TV shows/movies. I would say that no, we don’t look alike. 

 Q: Have you been told you look like a celebrity? Do you like said celebrity? 

A: I’ve been told that I look like Tina Fey. I honestly think it’s the glasses and snarky attitude! 🙂 

Asking the same questions to Ms. Buttala from the art department, she gave me this fantastic response! 

 “Hello, My name is Ms. Buttala. I am one of the Art Teachers here at Lincoln-Way Central. I teach Art Fundamentals, Bridges Art, Photo 1, and Design and Illustration. I recommend everyone take an art class! My students have been saying lately that I look like Mavis from Hotel Transylvania. I have never seen this movie. My students only say this because I wear black quite often and have black hair. She is a vampire, I think?…. so that’s pretty cool!”