LWRK Winter season
Madison Kucaba
With the football season over the LWC Rhythm Knights have kicked off their competition season. Now instead of performing in front of the LWC student section, they are bringing their talents to other schools, and showing off their skills. Their most recent competition was Sunday December 9th, where they unfortunately did not place, but their season is not over, with a chance to return to state for another year motivating them to continue to work hard. Reviewers stated on Sunday that although they did not score high enough to place in the top three, their chances are looking good to go back to state for their second year in a row. The girls are feeling hopeful and are proud of the work they have put in so far, and are excited for the chance to return to state.
One Rhythm Knight in the spotlight is none other than freshman varsity Rhythm Knight, Madison Kucaba. As a freshman in her first year of high school it is impressive to have made the varsity Rhythm Knights. Although, that spot is well-earned, as this is her ninth year dancing; she had danced for Willow Street Dance theater since she was five years old. She had also participated in cheerleading for the Mokena Burros, and has also played softball for a major portion of her life. She plans on trying out for the school softball team this February.
She will now be answering some of my questions about her high school experience so far, and her time spent being part of the LWC Rhythm Knights.
What is your opinion of High School so far?
I think high school is really fun and I enjoy the freedom that I get at LWC. I am so excited for 3 more years of new experiences.
How has been dancing for the varsity Rhythm Knights as a freshman, and what are your thoughts about the team?
Being on varsity as a freshman is a lot of pressure because I feel like my performances and anything I do always has to be perfect. Overall I really enjoy my teammates because we all support each other and it relieves some of the pressure.
Other than RK what other activities are you looking forward to in your school?
I’m really looking forward to the softball season because I have played softball my whole life also.
Rumors are RK may be returning to state this year, can you talk about your expectations and the teams overall mindset right now?
Our team is very hardworking and with our dance already very clean and not sloppy, we are expecting good results since it is only 2 weeks into the season. Being a freshman I wasn’t at state last year, so making it to state would be so exciting.
That’s all from freshman Madison Kucaba, and the news for your LWC Rhythm Knights. Make sure to support them and wish them luck for getting to state for a second year in a row. Go Knights!