From Barcelona to New Lenox

Carla poses outside her host family’s home in Mokena, Il.
Carla Pons-Moreno is a foreign exchange student from Barcelona, Spain. Her hosts are the Bruozas family. Carla agreed to be interviewed about her experience in the United States thus far:

- What made you want to become an exchange student?
Carla: I want to learn English and a new culture.
- How did you adjust here?
Carla: At the beginning it was a little bit hard because I didn’t understand all things, but now it’s better.
- How does Central differ from Quatre Cantons in Barcelona?
Carla: Very different. They don’t have lockers, there are different classes, you can go home for lunch. Central is a much larger school.
- What do you like most about the school and America?
Carla: The lockers, good fast food in America, and the people are very nice.
- What is a custom you find odd?
Carla: The pledge of allegiance, we don’t have this in Spain.
- How is the student body accepting you?
Carla: They are welcoming, helpful, and nice.
- What is your favorite thing about Spain?
Carla: The food.
- What sports or clubs do you plan on doing?
Carla: Track and SADD club.
- How has your host family made you feel at home?
Carla: They have been very kind, fun, and Mrs. Bruozas cooks good food.
- What is your new favorite food place in America?
Lauren Vaculik
Carla: Steak and Shake.