Sports in Action
Fall Sports
Welcome to Sports in Action! In this article we will interview Lincoln-Way Central athletes. The athletes will vary in sports and levels (Freshman, Junior Varsity, and Varsity). Sports in Action will ask the athletes about their current sport, as well as their academics.
Here are our interviewees for this edition of Sports-in-Action:

Events: Five-Hundred Free and Two-Hundred Free

Q: How does your sports worth ethic translate into school?
A: Luke: Working hard on the field makes it easier to focus in class and get the work done.
Layne: I feel that because my coach forces me to work harder and improve everyday I can apply this to other activities and school.
Abby: I believe that I am very motivated to do well in school and work hard because during swim season I have a very busy schedule so I use a lot of my time when I get home to work on my homework.
Sarah: In Rhythm Knights, in order to obtain a new skill I have to do it over and over, and ask when I need help. School is the same concept, if I don’t understand something I will ask questions and practice.
Q: If you weren’t to play your current sport what would you play?
A: Luke: Track, because jumping is a skill I apply in football and I think I would be talented at jumping in track.
Layne: I wouldn’t play another sport but i would put my efforts into doing new activities and school.
Abby: If I was not a swimmer I would like to be on the diving team or on the gymnastics team because I think it’s really cool what they are able to do.
Sarah: If I wasn’t in poms I would enjoy playing badminton or tennis.
Q:What’s your best advice to to a student athlete who struggles with time management?
A: Luke: I would recommend to not wait to the last minute and procrastinate your homework and studies, as well as use your advisory efficiently.
Layne: Do the work the day it is assigned and try to work ahead so then you won’t feel overwhelmed.
Abby: I think that a student who struggles with time management should consult a teacher or a friend for advice on how to manage their time better and get their work done.
Sarah: Utilize your time to complete homework in study hall and stay focused when doing homework.
Q: How do your coaches inspire you?
A: Luke: My coaches work day in and day out to give our team the best circumstances for improving ourselves.
Layne: Coach Brown puts a lot of enthusiasm into our practices which makes me want to always do my best.
Abby: Coach Shaughnessy inspires me because he’s very enthusiastic about the sport and cares about the swimmers and makes sure we’re all having fun and working hard
Sarah: My coach pushes me to do my best and helps me accomplish my goals, even when I doubt myself.
Q: What do you to ease your nerves before a game?
A: Luke: I don’t get nervous often because I feel well prepared for the game, and I have good teammates that support me.
Layne: I like listening to music and keeping to myself
Abby: I’ll make fun videos with my friends and I also enjoy hanging out with friends.
Sarah: Before I perform I think of my love of dance and performing to reassure myself I will be okay, I give it my all as if it is my last time.